Changing bank codes and make financial services simpler.

What do you think are the three qualities that define Founders Future?
Above all, I would say curiosity, this ability to ask the right questions and to get to the bottom of the subject. Then there is kindness, which creates a real relationship of trust. And finally, an immense amount of energy, which encourages us to move forward and take on challenges with enthusiasm.
When did Founders Future really make a difference for Lydia Solutions?
When you have a company with a lot of international shareholders, you can sometimes find yourself a bit alone when it comes to certain issues. It is difficult to find partners who understand both the strategic challenges and the specificities of the French market. With Founders Future, we have found French founders who share the same entrepreneurial experience and who speak our language. The exchanges are direct, rich and extremely concrete. We leave each conversation with ideas that we can

If Founders Future was an animal, what would it be and why?
I would say an eagle, without hesitation. Already, it will please Marc and all his “band of eagles”. But above all, the eagle embodies the clairvoyance and the ability to act quickly with precision. That's exactly what Founders Future brings: a clear vision and the ability to seize opportunities without wasting time.
What Founders Future principles or values resonate the most with Lydia Solutions?
There is a natural alignment between our values. At Founders Future, as with Lydia, the alignment of interests requires a deep understanding of lived experiences. This is essential to move forward together over the long term, especially when you have several shareholders and a major project. We are looking in the same direction, with the same ambition, which allows us to be aligned with both the vision and the execution.
How would you describe the human relationship you have with Founders Future?
It's a healthy and constructive relationship, built on mutual respect and a genuine understanding of each other's roles. There's a great deal of transparency in our interactions, a contagious energy, and above all, no pretense. We move forward together, and we also take the time to celebrate successes because it's important, especially knowing that the journey is a long one.
A word to describe the partnership?
Intense. But in a good sense of the word: intense in exchanges, intense in energy, and intense in impact.